Tuesday 5 April 2011

Transition from storyboard to footage

Researching trailers

When we were planning on what to include within our soap opera trailer we decided to have a look at similar types of trailers which already exist. We went onto Youtube and had a look at Waterloo Road trailers as they had a very similar idea to our soap.


We analyzed this particular Waterloo Road trailer as we thought it was a very effective piece of promotional advertising. We adapted these sorts of advertising devices into our own trailer.

Monday 4 April 2011


This is us making our storyboard ^

This is our final version of our storyboard
This is Camilla, Jessica and Mia holding up our storyboard

Here are a few close-ups of our storyboard work

Tuesday 7 December 2010


With only 5 days until the interim deadline of our coursework the heat is on.

Though we're making constant progress and we are on target, things are still getting on top of us. Our group has so many valuable ideas bouncing off each other in every session, sometimes it's hard to make the visions we all have of our soap trailer reality. Compromise is definitely key. All our ideas means a lot of changing and editing: 'perfectionists' springs to mind.

Tomorrow, in our before and after school sessions, we are aiming to have finished the whole of the trailer, particularly editing the voice over to fit the music, which is proving more difficult than we thought. The acting, the voice over and the music is all perfectly inkeeping and exactly what we wanted, however physically editing these components together is pretty tasking. We also need to get the speed of the trailer right - fast, exciting, intense. We have already accomplished this feel in the first few edits and it's proved successful, we just need to make it consistent!

The whole production is falling into place now and it's looking hopeful that we are on our way to a good grade for our A2 production work!